Match Report

Match Report

Match Report
There are a few clouds overhead here at San Carlos de Apoquindo where Barnechea play Puerto Montt in this league cup game. Its a sell-out today with the 21,000 capacity stadium completely full.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Barnechea are playing in a 4-1-4-1 formation while Puerto Montt appear to be shaped for 4-3-3.
Today's match is refereed by Julián Bravo.

Puerto Montt start the game by kicking off the first half!
Pedro Olivares runs straight at the opposition's defence. Pedro Olivares lofts in a cross ball towards Louis Andrade. Louis Andrade makes a convincing header. The ball takes a deflection leaving Bruno Sepúlveda with no chance!! Goal for Barnechea!
Daniel Romero brings the ball forward. Daniel Romero plays a one-two with Renato Martínez and advances towards the goal... Daniel Romero cuts inside onto his preferred left foot and rushes a shot at goal. The ball dips but the keeper is a match for it. Nice keeping!
Luciano Alonso flicks a high pass forward to Louis Andrade who brings the ball under control. Louis Andrade knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Bruno Sepúlveda who gathers it comfortably.
Vicente Molina threads a neat ball through to Louis Andrade. Louis Andrade sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal. It's miles wide!
Pedro Olivares knocks the ball to his team mate, Dinis Ochoa. Dinis Ochoa flicks the ball to his team mate, Louis Andrade. Louis Andrade knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Franco Cárdenas takes it forward alone. Franco Cárdenas deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Louis Andrade. Louis Andrade shoots from 20 yards. Bruno Sepúlveda gathers the ball up comfortably. He makes it look easy!
With fabulous vision, Franco Cárdenas plays the ball forward to Louis Andrade. Louis Andrade rushes past Luciano Aravena! Louis Andrade shows great control and tries a shot on goal. The ball clips the inside of the post and flies into the back of the net!! Goal for Barnechea!
Daniel Romero flicks a high ball forward to Pedro Castro who takes it down. Pedro Castro hits a low pass to Mauricio Moreno. Mauricio Moreno plays a one-two with Gabriel Orellana and rushes in on goal... Mauricio Moreno shows great control and tries a shot on goal but he balloons it over the crossbar!
Pedro Torres flicks a high pass forward. Nicolás Riquelme controls it well on his chest. Nicolás Riquelme sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal. Francisco Orellana gathers the ball up comfortably. He makes it look easy!
Gabriel Orellana sees Pedro Torres in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Pedro Torres makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Renato Martínez. Renato Martínez whips in a cross ball towards Nicolás Riquelme. Nicolás Riquelme is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal. The ball is well placed but the keeper is more than a match for it. Good save!
Daniel Romero kicks a strong pass forward to Pedro Torres. Pedro Torres plays a one-two with Gabriel Orellana and advances towards the goal... Pedro Torres comes in from the left and smashes a shot from 12 yards out but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Martín Pérez flicks a high pass forward. Luciano Alonso holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Luciano Alonso knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Pedro Torres passes the ball forward to Nicolás Riquelme. Nicolás Riquelme lofts in a cross ball towards Renato Martínez. Renato Martínez fearlessly jumps in, powering the ball goalwards with his head. Francisco Orellana manages to gather it.
Daniel Romero passes the ball forward to Gabriel Orellana. Gabriel Orellana kicks a strong pass forward to Mauricio Moreno. Mauricio Moreno edges inside the box! Mauricio Moreno comes in from the right and smashes a shot from 11 yards out but it rises well off target!
The referee whistles the end of the first half!

Both teams emerge for the second half. Barnechea appear unchanged since the first half. Puerto Montt also appear unchanged since the first half.

Barnechea start the second half!
Joaquín Orellana makes a simple pass to Vicente Molina. Vicente Molina flicks the ball to his team mate, Louis Andrade. Louis Andrade knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Sebastián Vásquez takes it forward alone. Showing great composure, Sebastián Vásquez plays the ball forward to Mauricio Moreno. Mauricio Moreno knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Pedro Castro flicks a high pass forward to Gabriel Orellana who brings the ball under control. Gabriel Orellana lofts in a cross ball towards Mauricio Moreno. Mauricio Moreno outjumps his marker and heads the ball goalward but it is miles over!
Pedro Castro catches Vicente Molina on the ankles. The referee calls over Pedro Castro and shows him a yellow card! Vicente Molina grimaces as he struggles to run off the knock.
Luciano Aravena sees Mauricio Moreno in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Mauricio Moreno knocks in a cross ball towards Nicolás Riquelme. Nicolás Riquelme rises majestically and gets a header on goal but somehow Francisco Orellana manages to keep it out.
Sebastián Vásquez catches Louis Andrade on the ankles. Sebastián Vásquez is shown the yellow card! Louis Andrade gets up, but that knock is affecting his game.
Gabriel Orellana threads a neat ball through to Renato Martínez. Renato Martínez plays a scrappy one-two with Nicolás Riquelme and stumbles forward towards the goal... Some silky footwork from Renato Martínez provides some space. He scuffs the ball at goal. The ball clips the outside of the post and goes out!
Pedro Torres sees space and advances. Pedro Torres knocks the ball to his team mate, Mauricio Moreno. Mauricio Moreno shows great control and tries a shot on goal. The ball flies into the top corner - goal!!
Luciano Alonso flicks a high pass forward. Dinis Ochoa holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Dinis Ochoa sees a break and surges forward. Dinis Ochoa shoots from outside the area. The ball clips the inside of the post and flies into the back of the net!! Goal for Barnechea!
The referee blows the final whistle

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 3 vs 1
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 4 vs 6
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 1 vs 5
Offsides: 0 vs 1
Fouls: 0 vs 2
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 2
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 42.6829268292683 vs 57.3170731707317
Play Area
Home team third: 29.27%, Midfield: 50.00%, Away team third: 20.73%

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Louis Andrade of Barnechea

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
4. Ángel Ortiz (DEF)
8. Dinis Ochoa (MID)
10. Luciano Alonso (DEF)
11. Louis Andrade (ATT)

12. Benício Gomez (DEF)
13. Paúl Velasco (DEF)
14. José Núñez (ATT)

4. Daniel Romero (DEF)
7. Pedro Torres (MID)
8. Pedro Castro (MID)

12. Mauro Medina (GK)
13. Felipe Sandoval (MID)
14. Hugo Acevedo (ATT)